aloo chats


— पांच हजार बहत्तर —

Last night Shobhit made aloo [potato] paneer with aloo parathas, all made from scratched. I assisted with the paratha making process, and he made eight of them. I had just one with my dinner, and saved one for bringing with a leftovers lunch to work today. Shobhit had three of them with his dinner, and after I let Ivan know he was welcome to have some for his dinner as well, he ate the other three. These all took quite some time to fry up, and they're gone already. Frownie face. ☹

We then proceeded to watch six episodes of season six of Schitt's Creek on Netflix. Ivan was eating his dinner at the dining table during this, and he asked which season it was, then admitted he had not yet even finished season two. What! He had been the one to recommend it to me most recently, last summer, and finally get me to give it another chance—I really thought he had seen the entire series already. And I would argue seasons four and five are better than one and two, but definitely better than the first season.

Anyway that basically covers my entire evening. Nothing more to report.

— पांच हजार बहत्तर —


— पांच हजार बहत्तर —

I'm having to post an hour later than usual today because I had my one-on-one weekly virtual meeting with Eric at 1:00, and while I might have gotten this posted just before that otherwise, it was also my twice-monthly virtual lunch with Karen. In both cases I sat in the "phone room" near my desk. But, for the lunchtime with Karen, I finally had the wherewithal to bring my iPad to work, for the first time ever! It's much nicer FaceTiming with her on that than on my phone, which I also have to be a lot more precarious about propping up.

I even took a picture and posted it.

It had been three weeks since our last lunch, which sometimes happens by default because we long ago decided that, instead of strictly meeting for lunch every two weeks, we would do it twice a month: on the second and fourth Thursday. This means that most of the time our lunches (as scheduled, anyway) are every other week, but every few months it's after three weeks. That happened this month because October 1 landed on a Friday.

This meant I had a lot of news to share with her, most notably our booked travels to Las Vegas at the end of October and Palm Springs at the end of November. I didn't even get around to telling her Shobhit and I got our booster shots last weekend, I just realized! I did tell Eric about that in my meeting with him, though. Anyway, Karen updated me on her work and her family, and a bit of minor drama with both. I look forward to actually having lunch with her in person one of these days, but for now, it's nice we're still able to make these lunches work virtually.

— पांच हजार बहत्तर —


[posted 1:20 pm]