the walk


— पांच हजार चौंतीस —

I'm beginning to think Shobhit has too much time on his hands. He's averaging less than 20 hours a week at Total Wine & More; between Tuesday evenings and Thursdays evenings he's on his virtual calls for his Project Management class five hours a week; he does some work outside of class but beyond that, he's not even bothering to find another job yet. He has this idea that he's going to aim for something in Project Management once the class ends next month. Or, after a test he needs to take after that for some kind of accreditation, I think.

Anyway, Shobhit and I watched this week's episodes of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and The White Lotus after I got home from work last night, and once those were done, I briefly retired to the bedroom, having nothing in particular to do, but I didn't want to watch news. Shobhit, however, kept meandering into the bedroom, basically pacing aimlessly around the condo. "I'm bored and hyper," he said.

So, after it occurred to me just a few minutes later, I went out into the living room and made a suggestion: "You want to go for a walk?" Shobhit replied, "That's not a bad idea." So I said, "Let's go for a walk."

It wasn't a particularly long walk, but it did the trick. We walked roughly two miles round trip, first down Pine and then through Cal Anderson Park up to the north end of Broadway, then back along the west side of Broadway to Pike, then back home via Pike. This was the first time I saw the three-building apartment complex that was constructed around the Capitol Hill Light Rail Station completely done, with the pathway between the two buildings just north of Cal Anderson Park to walk through. It was actually very nice. I was pretty impressed.

That's basically the highlight of the evening, though. Shobhit gets yet another Social Review point—fourth day in a row! I can't remember the last time that happened without us being away traveling.

— पांच हजार चौंतीस —


— पांच हजार चौंतीस —

I saw pretty little of Ivan, who I think was just sleeping in his bedroom most of the evening, until he got up to get ready for his graveyard shift. He was up and eating his dinner when Shobhit and I left for our walk, and he was gone to work by the time we got back.

I did talk to him briefly about going back to Neko Cat Café, though, which he is very interested in doing. His next night off is Friday so we may go that evening.

— पांच हजार चौंतीस —

My favorite thing today is this little personal detail in a new Store Director announcement: he and his wife, both apparently longtime veterans of the grocery industry, "named their kids Reese, Heath, and Clark after candy bars."

I'd sure like to check in with those kids in about ten years to find out how they feel about that.

— पांच हजार चौंतीस —


[posted 12:32 pm]