the long wait for an easy fix


— पांच हजार एक सौ छब्बीस —

I haven't been tested yet . . . but I'm pretty sure I once again have Tuesday-it is. Yesterday I posted a ton about my highly social weekend, with no socializing last night, leaving me with comparatively very little to update on.

—Except, actually, I did have a social engagement last night too! How could I almost forget that? It accounted for nearly my entire evening! Tracy worked from home yesterday but then she came to pick me up from the office at 4:30, and drove us over to the nearby Uptown Theater. We see a genuinely amazing film, an animated documentary about a gay Afghan refugee in Denmark: Flee. Solid-A movie. I know it's early, but it will almost surely be on my top ten for the year. I said this in the review, but it bears repeating: Tracy and I left the theater in stunned silence. We were nearly back to her car around the corner before I finally said, "Well, that was pretty extraordinary." We sat and talked about the movie for a few minutes in the car before she even started it, and she had to wipe away some tears, she was so—understandably—moved by it.

She drove me home, I helped Shobhit finish up making parathas for dinner, and I ate and then wrote my review. Then, with barely enough time left before I went to bed, we watched this week's episode of The Gilded Age on HBO Max. I still have a hard time getting used to the "uncanny valley" effect of the far higher picture quality on this new TV. (New to us; Alexia's old TV.)

— पांच हजार एक सौ छब्बीस —


— पांच हजार एक सौ छब्बीस —

Oh, shit! I do have one major update from yesterday, regarding our washing machine which hadn't been running for a good week and a half or so—long enough that Ivan had gone to the laundromat twice, and Shobhit actually did a large load of our darks at the same laundromat on Friday last week when he had the day off and I shifted back to the office.

Anyway, yesterday was the soonest I could book a repair person to come and take a look at it. So it finally happened, and according to Shobhit, the guy took one look at the back, also had the front panel pulled off, and instantly knew what the issue was. Some sort of motor drive needed replacing, and he just went down to his truck and got it. Then the machine worked fine. Shobhit said the guy was there all of twenty minutes—long enough to compliment the smell of Shobhit's cooking with Indian spices—and the bill came to $204.79, for parts and labor combined. If you extrapolate that out, it amounts to, like, six hundred bucks an hour. Of course that also doesn't take into account the time it takes the guy to drive to all the places he services, so, whatever. My argument, which Shobhit agreed with, was it was still better than having to purchase and install an entirely new stackable washer/dryer unit. A quick search online reveals that would have set us back a good thousand bucks. I'm good with only spending about 20% of that.

So, we also ran a load of the small amount of lights we still had to wash in the hamper. You never realize what a true luxury it is to have something like this in your home and working until you have to spend time without any access to it.

— पांच हजार एक सौ छब्बीस —


[posted 12:28 pm]