ma'am noon


— पांच हजार दो सौ दस —

My evening last night was dominated by time spent with Tracy, as we made plans to see Downton Abbey: A New Era at 7:00, because that was the earliest showtime on the evening before the published opening date, but she also suggested we get dinner beforehand.

Shobhit really vacillated between coming or not coming, and ultimately landed on the latter. He wants to see the movie, but decided to go for the discounted Tuesday price at AMC next week. Also, Tracy and I chose Mamnoon, the place we had our goodbye dinner for Scott at in late January but that location was on Terry Avenue north of Denny, and this is the "Mamnoon Streatery" restaurant on Melrose between Pike and Pine on Capitol Hill. Shobhit looked at their dinner menu online and declared it pricey, which is largely very true, so he passed on joining us for dinner as well, even though he has both yesterday and today off of work. But, what I did not realize until getting there was that their lunch menu is also their "patio menu," which meant I could get the same, very delicious thing here as I got at the other location: the falafel wrap, which is twelve bucks. This was a much better option than the only vegetarian option on their entrée menu, a chickpea based dish for $26. I was actually tempted at first, but that wrap is just so tasty.

It's actually a little confusing at the restaurant location itself, because they brought a QR code to our table, where we sat outside—thankfully the weather was nice and they have excellently constructed and designed outdoor seating, even with plastic walls on three sides that shields from breeziness—and the code only takes you to the dinner menu. But then I saw the lunch/patio menu on the outside wall in a sort of inlet on the storefront of the restaurant, where people can go for order pickups. And that was where I finally found the falafel items, so I ordered that. I still think Shobhit needs to come back to this restaurant with me sometime, as I think he would like it.

Tracy also ordered the basil labneh starter for us to share, which is truly delicious. I was like, "I'll give them this much, this is high quality shit." That made her laugh.

Anyway, I'm jumping ahead a bit. As per usual, I got a text from Tracy telling me she was running late. She said we could just meet at the Thai place in Pacific Place again, like we did once last summer, if I was concerned about time. But, as I told her, this was precisely why I had suggested 5:30. She headed for the parking at the Regal cinemas since it's a bit in between Pacific Place and Mamnoon, so I walked down there to meet her. Of course I got all the way to the garage before she even came out, but at least she came out within a couple of minutes of my arriving. We walked the four blocks or so back up to Mamnoon, and were there by 5:50, which still gave us plenty of time to get to the movie by 7:00. I'm really glad we stuck with that place instead of going back to the Thai place—which is fine, but Mamnoon is way better, and I now have plans tonight to eat Thai with Evan and Elden who are in SeaTac for a conference anyway.

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I still need to find out what that conference is. Evan actually messaged me last week that they would be in Seattle on Thursday this week and maybe we should get dinner, and I was like absolutely! But then I stupidly didn't immediately mark my calendar, and later spaced it when I made the movie plans with Tracy.

So, yesterday I suggested at first that Evan and Elden and I meet for lunch, as they told me they were downtown. But, I soon learned they had lunch plans. It was just as well since I had a burrito made from fajita leftovers the night before, and it baked incredibly well and made for a delicious lunch yesterday, which I had after accepting Kwanteria's invite to walk with her over to Gourmondo's for her to get her own lunch. We both complained about how expensive that place is, which is why I never buy anything from there but other people often do in spite of the cost. I've walked over there with Tracy a couple of times too, once buying one of the "gourmet" ding dongs they sell, only to find it was way too expensive (over $4) for something so dry and with so little in the way of a cream center.

Anyway, I asked Evan if they would still be in Seattle more than just yesterday, and that was when she said they'd be in SeaTac the rest of the weekend for their conference. I felt bad about double booking my evening last night so I said I could come down to SeaTac to have dinner with them there tonight if they like. I was willing either to go with Shobhit or even ride Light Rail on my own; the Thai place they suggested is within walking distance of SeaTac Station. But, Shobhit gets off work at 5:30 and was amendable to us going together, which means we'll likely get down there by 7:00, which probably works better for them anyway.

Thus, I once again have a lot of plans over the weekend. Dinner with Evan and Elden tonight. Double Feature with Alexia in the Braeburn Condos theater tomorrow: The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III. Sunday is still up in the air, but I aim to see a movie that day. Either with Tracy at a theater she's suggested multiple times in Tacoma and which is the only place playing a particular movie I want to see (the one I missed at SIFF due to covid), or maybe with Kwanteria but I haven't even brought it up with her as I'm waiting to hear back from Tracy, or otherwise just by myself.

Either way, kind of amazingly, we're 20 days into the month and I have only gone to see a movie in a theater twice so far in May. It would have been more if not for covid postponing my Birth Week a week and making it end on May 8. I will likely have seen another four by the end of the month though, so, six isn't too bad I guess.

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[posted 12:35 pm]