winning plans


— पांच हजार दो सौ पंद्रह —

Not much to tell about last night. Well, technically there is, but I went to Steamworks and in all likelihood anyone reading this isn't interested in the details about that. Suffice it to say, I had a good time.

Shobhit got pizza for dinner, from some place I forget the name of near the Costco down on 4th Avenue South. It was a pesto/white sauce, I think, and was pretty good. I'm just not sure it was worth the $28 Shobhit said he paid for it; it was very thin-crust, sliced into eight slices—I had three, and Shobhit had five, so the whole thing got consumed last night. It would have been more cost effective if at least it could have been stretched to more than one meal.

We watched this week's two episodes of Hacks on HBO while we ate. I love that show.

Then I retired to the bedroom to watch episode 7 of Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty on HBO Max. As I often do, I exchanged some texts about it with Gabriel, who had recommended it several times before I finally gave it a chance. I was really reticent after the first episode, but basically fell in love with it as of episode 2.

Three things I realized while watching the show last night:

1) There was a cold open at the beginning of episode 1, set at what appeared to be a doctor's office, with Magic Johnson and some random white guy who broke down crying. I had no idea what it was about, and I couldn't believe it took me until episode 7 to realize that scene must have been when Magic Johnson tested positive for HIV. This is becoming increasingly clear as the Magic Johnson character is shown having lots of flings while on the road, and literally being told during this episode that he should "wrap it up" to be careful.

2) It was actually a few episodes back that they depicted Paula Abdul becoming the choreographer for the "Laker Girls." What hit me last night was, all these years, I knew she had been a "Laker Girl" but I always assumed it was for a football team. Shows what I know about sports!

3) I was looking at the cast list on IMDb and saw an actor named DeVaughn Nixon plays a basketball player on the team named Norm Nixon. I was like, wait, I wonder if they're related? I looked up DeVaughn Nixon on Wikipedia to see who his parents were . . . one of them was, indeed, one Norm Nixon. I clicked on that name, and he was, indeed, a Lakers basketball player! This means DeVaughn Nixon is playing his dad on the show. It took a couple of texts before Gabriel was even understanding who I was talking about (probably because Norm Nixon is not one of the leads, though he does have a fairly prominent supporting role), and not even he knew about this. It was fun to get to tell Gabriel something about the show that he didn't know already. Granted, I discovered the fact not because of an interest in sports, but because of an interest in entertainment and television casting.

— पांच हजार दो सौ पंद्रह —


— पांच हजार दो सौ पंद्रह —

I just had lunch over FaceTime with Karen, and I actually remembered to charge and bring my iPad again, for the second time in a row! I'll just take a moment to pat myself on the back.

. . . Except then I came back to my desk, got distracted, and now I'm finishing this up at 2:54 pm because I totally spaced finishing this post. Oops!

Anyway, Karen had just finished a meeting and needed to heat up her lunch first, so we didn't connect until 12:10, and then because she got a notice of another meeting at 1 she had to sign off at 12:50, which meant we only had forty minutes instead of the usual hour. Oh well. It was still nice to catch up as always; in fact, both my Victoria, B.C. plans and Denver plans only got finalized in the time between our last virtual lunch and this one, so I had a lot to tell her about. (When we last spoke, I was still hoping to go to Toronto next month. Now that's tentatively bumped to being our anniversary trip next year.)

She has several trips planned herself, which she told me a little bit about, although one to D.C. and one to Philadelphia are related to her position on the U.S. Access Board, and apparently there are increasing covid concerns and so Karen is afraid they may shift one or both of those meetings to virtual, which will bum her out. They're both planned for summer though so maybe daily case counts will be dropping again by then. Maybe? Who the fuck knows.

Anyway she also plans to go to Massachusetts to visit her parents. There honestly wasn't a lot of time to discuss much of anything besides these travel plans but that was fine.

— पांच हजार दो सौ पंद्रह —


[posted 3:00 pm]