The Book Club Four


— पाँच हजार चार सौ पचासी —

Our Exeutive Assistant to the CEO & Board, Kara, left PCC within the past few weeks. So, our core group for Book Club went down from five to four. But, the other four of us still managed to get together at Cafe Cosmos over on 1st Avenue yesterday right after work: Mel, Steve, Deena and myself. We sat at a four-top.

I had too much leftover pasta at home from Action Movie Night at the Braeburn on Wednesday, so this time I opted not to buy any food. I just ordered a hot chocolate.

Deena was the only one who had not yet finished the latest book choice, Packing for Mars by Mary Roach. The rest of us seemed to kind of come to a consensus that we really enjoyed it until a disappointing final chapter, which also had a sort of bonkers last line.

I came with a suggestion for our next book: The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland. I learned about this book recently on a podcast, though now I can't remember which one. It sounded really interesting to me, and the rest of the group quite quickly agreed. Mel had another four or so recommendations, but still conceded that it sounded like my choice would be what we all read next. So for me at least, that was very cool.

I think this probably happens with a lot of Book Clubs, but we didn't spend a huge amount of time talking about the book, and really spent most of our time just chatting about random shit. We had met shortly after 4:30 and it wasn't even until 6:20 when I shared my book suggestion. Deena's mom came to pick her up at around that time, and the rest of us still hung out until closer to 7:00. Then I rode my bike the rest of the way home.

— पाँच हजार चार सौ पचासी —


— पाँच हजार चार सौ पचासी —

Speaking of the bike, that was the second and last day this week that I rode to work. I could have commuted by bike today too, but, I am going to see a movie at 5:30 in the U District after work today, now that Jennifer is unable to come and visit for the weekend. That means I won't be headed home after that until 7:30, by which time it will be getting dark, and I prefer not to ride at night if I can avoid it. Besides, I am enjoying my library copy of Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe so very much, I like having the time to read on transit between home and work and the movie theater anyway. I can't do that on my bike.

So now I'm wondering whether yesterday was it for the year, on my bike. It might have been. We're forecasted to be back to rain by Monday.

I locked up my bike at home, went upstairs, fed the cats—including Cassie next door, who I'm looking after for a couple of days while Alexia is in Portland for work. Yesterday morning she left a really messy shit on the rug in the bathroom. I had to text Alexia that I scraped it up as best I could but the rug is otherwise left (dry) in her washing machine. I had to get to work. Alexia says Cassie is mad at her for leaving again. Cassie has been laying under the bed as usual every time I go over there.

Shobhit worked last night. I spent a while working on finding photos of family members for the past year for using in the grid pages of next year's calendars. But, then I went to the living room to read. I just love being in the world of this novel, which is really a quick read and I'm going to miss it when it's done.

I thought maybe I'd stay up for at least one episode of a TV show to watch once Shobhit got home. But, it was well after 9:30 when he got home. So much for that.

He called me while he was driving. He would tell me where he was, and bring up this or that. I wanted to be reading my book. Finally I said, "We can talk about all this when you get home." He said, "We never talk at home." That's not true. But, in a circumstance like last night, I suppose it is true that I'm off to bed shortly after he gets home. I had to set myself straight in my mind a little. He just wanted to have some time to talk and connect in some way. I can appreciate that. Also he had some wine samples at work and wanted to talk as a way of helping him stay awake. He clearly wasn't inebriated, but he was tired.

He had his own leftover pasta when he got home. Even I felt it would need more salt, I hadn't added enough when I made it on Wednesday. He must have added a shit ton because even he said, "Too much salt" when he sat down with it.

— पाँच हजार चार सौ पचासी —

There's something about the way I wrote today's blog post. I think the writing style in Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is influencing me. Maybe just a little bit.

— पाँच हजार चार सौ पचासी —
