Updating Karen


— पांच हजार पांच सौ दस —

I just had my biweekly virtual lunch with Karen, over Zoom. We made a plan to meet at the Armory at Seattle Center tomorrow at 1:00, for the Diwali Festival. I knew we would touch on this during the call, but she was just like, "So what time are we meeting tomorrow?" And the last time we talked, she had made it sound like she could only plan for it tentatively. Well, now it's a go!

She also asked me, "So how are things going at PCC?" Hoo boy . . . I was like, "Did you hear the news? It's been all over the news." That was an exaggeration. A more accurate statement would be that there has been a lot of news about the Downtown store being set to close.

Either way, Karen had not heard about it, and so that gave us a lot to talk about for a while. She talked about how she always thought that space was a bad location for any retailer, but especially a grocery store, which is not even easily seen from the street. All good points.

We chatted about plenty of other stuff, as usual. Nothing momentous. Just a pleasant lunch hangout as always. The week I have off of work before Christmas, we'll finally do a lunch in person rather than virtually.

— पांच हजार पांच सौ दस —


— पांच हजार पांच सौ दस —

Not much for me to tell you about last night, at least not that you are likely to want to hear (or read). I went to Steamworks, had a pretty good time. It took up the majority of my evening, even though I got home earlier than I usually do when I go there.

I took transit home from work, made myself a sandwich for a quick dinner, fed the cats, freshened up, went back out. I was back home at about 8:30 or so, I would say. Give or take. Shobhit was home from work shortly after. He FaceTimed me from the car when he was on Denny, and then just stayed on until he went into our parking garage and it disconnected. I might normally have found this an annoying distraction, but I wasn't doing anything important, or even that required much of my attention.

It's hitting me how soon our trip to Palm Springs for Thanksgiving is. Thanksgiving is on the early side this year, and as we travel the Sunday prior, that means we leave a week from Sunday. Nine days from now!

Thanksgiving happens every year on the fourth Thursday in November. If it weren't for next year being a Leap Year, that would mean Thanksgiving next year would be the earliest it can ever be: November 22. But, Leap year shifts the day of the week for each date two days instead of two once February is over, which makes next year leap over November 22 as a possibility—and shoot right back to it being the latest Thanksgiving can ever be: November 28. This year, though, it's early. And any event that happens annually a week prior—say, the Seattle Festival of Trees, which always opens the Saturday prior—feels quite unusually early. We get a long holiday season this year, and actually that makes me happy. More days to listen to Christmas music, between Thanksgiving and New Year's!

The bittersweetness I always feel about listening to Christmas music after Mom's death is a different conversation.

— पांच हजार पांच सौ दस —


[posted 1:04 pm]