humdrum update


— पांच हजार चार सौ अड़सठ —

Another humdrum update today, how exciting!

Yesterday I rode my bike home from work, surprised to see the ground everywhere was wet. When the hell did it rain? I never noticed. The forecast had not shown any rain expected, cloudy skies notwithstanding. (I don't have a clue how forecasters know whether or not clouds are going to spit out rain.)

Shobhit had a meeting at 5:30 to attend regarding the upcoming project re-siding our entire building, which is going to add huge lumps to all our loans. Fun! He asked if I wanted to come with. Nope. I wanted to read my book! I had my Zoom lunch with Karen today, which meant no lunchtime reading, so I read ahead 15 pages in Packing for Mars to stay on track. So far so good!

It helps, actually, that the two books I am now reading concurrently—something I never really like to do—are both books I am very much enjoying. They're very different too though, so switching immediately back and forth isn't something I really want to do either. For the most part I read one at lunchtime and the other a bit before bedtime. Last night, though, I read 15 pages of Packing for Mars after I got home and ate my leftover pizza and then several pages of The House in the Cerulean Sea in bed right before I went to sleep.

Once Shobhit got home, though, I was in the middle of the new Michelle Wolf comedy special on Netflix. I left that to watch this week's Only Murders In the Building—which had appearances by Matthew Broderick and Mel Brooks, every legendary actor winds up on this show—and then one episode of season 1 of The Righteous Gemstones. We'll get season 1 finished tonight.

— पांच हजार चार सौ अड़सठ —


— पांच हजार चार सौ अड़सठ —

As previously noted, I had my Zoom lunch with Karen today, and just finished with that. Normally it would have been on Friday but she had a conflict and so we rescheduled.

We had a lovey chat, as always. I was able to share the news that Shobhit and I will be spending Thanksgiving week with his niece, Shivangi, in Palm Springs (technically Desert Hot Springs) at Faith's house, for the longest visit we've ever had there—five nights. It also occurred to me recently that it will then become the second trip I've taken this year that justifiably called for packing shorts even though the weather was cold at home. (And given that my Twin Cities trip last month was mid-summer, all three of my trips involving air travel this year will have involved backing pairs of shorts.) I'm really looking forward to it.

Karen, for her part, has a ton of travel booked through this coming fall, mostly for work, and I was exhausted just hearing about it. The reason we shifted our Zoom lunch this week from Friday to today is because she and her family fly back to Massachusetts tomorrow, for her father's memorial this weekend. They fly back on Monday. So that trip for her isn't work related, but adds to a ton of air travel she's got going on.

And we're all just melting arctic ice in the process! Fun! Anyway I need to get back to work.

— पांच हजार चार सौ अड़सठ —


[posted 1:07 pm]