why not both?


— पाँच हजार चार सौ तिहत्तर —

I very much multitasked last night. I spent a lot of time rating, logging and posting links to my reviews on Letterboxd. I'm working backward, and have all the movies I saw and reviewed logged since the start of 2021 so far.

I also went through my Google calendar to find movies I watched at home, at least ones that had been scheduled, between Action Movie Night; double features with Laney; and movie nights with Alexia—I did that through the beginning of this year. As a result, I have "logged 103 entries for films" in 2023, but have thus far rated 728 films. If we were to average that for every three years, then by the time I finally get all the way back to my first posted reviews in late 2004, I should have well above 4,600 films rated.

I have no idea how long it will take me to get all that done, but it is now a goal. And when I embark on a project of this magnitude, I tend to focus on it until it gets done, even if it takes weeks or months to finish. I'm not picking the best time to start it, as I have both my 2024 calendars and the "2023 in Ten Minutes" video to get done by the end of the year. But, this Letterboxd project is something I can work on while watching TV at times.

Or, while on a Zoom call for a monthly meeting of the 43rd District Democrats. I finally got a voter code so I could vote as a member of the organization (I paid, after all). This was their endorsements meeting, and at this point our Disctrict 3 came down to a choice between Joy Hollingsworth and Alex Hudson. I voted for Alex, and she's the one who got the most votes, though not by a huge margin.

I don't remember how many votes each candidate got. I do remember that there were 62 ballots submitted for this race. The ballot allows you to vote for both candidates if you want, and Shobhit did that. And since 62 people voted but 63 votes were counted, that means Shobhit is the only person who voted for both of them. For some reason he really wanted neither of them to get a high enough vote count to secure an endoresement, so that the 43rd District Democrats would be unable to state an official endorsement for either of them. But, it was Alex who secured it in the end.

Anyway, there were many other races discussed for prospective endorsements, in districts I don't live in. I didn't pay as much attention to those discussions, as I spent time logging films on Letterboxd. Shobhit even asked me, "What are you doing?" I said simply, "Logging movies on Letterboxd," and he said, "Whaaat?" as though it were utterly baffling. Listen. This is what I do. Log, categorize, cross reference! Especially movies!

Besides, there's another benefit to this work. My blog's search function is a joke, and the older the review, the less likely even Google will pick it up. It can sometimes be difficult to find an old review of mine this way. Titles are far more easily searchable on Letterboxd, and once a link to every one of my reviews is logged there, I can find an old review a lot more quickly. What a dream that will be!

I texted Gabriel that I was logged as far back as 2021 so far. I'm not sure why he's suddenly so interested in Letterboxd, but it's what got me to redirect some focus to it. He actually texted back, I love this.

— पाँच हजार चार सौ तिहत्तर —


— पाँच हजार चार सौ तिहत्तर —

Shobhit made a kind of green, tomatillo salsa with the Bullet blender last night, to use with new dosas he fried up to have with leftover sambar, which I think is going to last us several days.

He's still going to make a different dish for Action Movie Night tonight, though. I've been making regular pasta to bring the last several times in a row, but Shobhit decided he wants to make magi to bring today. He's going to add deep fried tofu to it, which I love. I'm actually looking forward to it.

Anyway, we took a brief walk over to Trader Joe's to get some things he still needed for that cooking. Between that, the cooking itself, and eating, we were mostly otherwise detained until the 7:00 meeting with the 43rd District Democrats began. And that lasted like two hours and fifteen minutes. It was time to start getting ready for bed by the time that was over. But hey, I made headway on Letterboxd!

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I actually took the bus to work this morning. I can't even remember the last time I did that. It was actually raining! Barely, it was more like drizzle, but still far too wet for bike riding. And actually as is typically the case, I just rode down to 3rd and Pine and then walked the rest of the way, listening to a podcast.

I recently discovered back issues of a new-ish podcast called Strike Force Five, hosted by five of the current late-night talk show hosts: Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, and John Oliver. They're doing it to raise money for their striking staff. It's a really fun listen, and nice to have a bunch of them to listen to all in a row.

— पाँच हजार चार सौ तिहत्तर —


[posted 12:31 pm]