the grapes of naan


— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्च नवतिशतानि च —

Today has been one of those days: I already had plenty of work to do on my plate, I came into the office, didn't even have a huge number of emails to respond to—but several of them involved a lot of detail and time to answer. Getting caught up on that alone sucked up the majority of my morning. I am unusually happy to be facing the weekend.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्च नवतिशतानि च —

I wound up a lot busier than anticipated last night as well. Shobhit texted me to ask if I wanted to join a wine class at Total Wine, and I said sure!

The class was 6:30 to 8:30. I took the Monorail & Light Rail home, had just enough time to heat up leftover spring rolls to bring to Shobhit as well as a couple of veggie corn dogs for myself. I ate them quickly, then walked up to 15th & John where I caught the #8 bus which was surprisingly on time. On Lower Queen Anne I transferred to the Rapid Ride D bus, and got off at the stop nearest Total Wine with about five minutes to spare.

Once I got to the Total Wine parking lot, Shobhit changed out of his work shirt and into the one I brought for him, and also ate his spring rolls out of the tin foil I brought for him, sitting in the driver seat of the car, his legs out and feet on the pavement. We got into the class about five minutes late, where they actually waited for us to start.

We were one of only about four couples in the class, so eight people total. And although Shobhit had worked that day with a mask on and his cold wasn't making him cough much at the start, he started coughing a fair bit later. The couple sitting at long table directly in front of ours moved to the table in front of that, and I'm pretty sure they moved because of Shobhit's coughing. No one else in the room even seemed to notice.

Still, Shobhit seemed to get the hint, and he felt the class was going too slowly anyway. We had tasted all of two of the wines before the class was an hour in, halfway through. Shobhit said he was ready to go, and given his coughing, I said I was fine with leaving. We had already gotten our fill of cheese and crackers anyway—the only vegetarian stuff in the spread available, which was why Shobhit asked me to bring the leftover spring rolls from Action Movie Night on Wednesday.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्च नवतिशतानि च —


— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्च नवतिशतानि च —

We also had some shopping to do, and this allowed us extra time to get that done. He had a shopping cart full of 18 bottles of wine he bought right there at Total Wine, which he did to gain a bunch of member points, and later buy the bottle of Bailey's we still need at an insanely discounted price.

After that, we drove up to the Greenlake Aurora PCC, thinking we may need to go there and to the Central District store—as of this week, my favorite frozen pizza brand is on clearance at half our stores, including Greenlake and Central District. Regular price is $5.99 and they are on clearance price at $3.49 and my 15% employee discount takes it down to $2.97—well below cost.

The must have had eight of my favorite flavor (eggplant), and were plenty stocked with all three other flavors as well, even though clearance price started on Monday. I was afraid they might already be sold out. Nope: and this indicates why they're getting discontinued. What a bummer, I love these pizzas!

Shobhit got maybe six of other flavors, and I took four of the eggplant; we bought ten of them total. Shobhit also got a pint of garbanzo bean salad from the Deli because it was on "Deal of the Day" for nearly half off. We might have gotten even more of the pizzas, if not for the limited space in our bottom-drawer freezer. Now we didn't even need to go to the Central District store, so we drove home.

We put the groceries away, labeled the wine bottles with their prices so we'd know what their value had been when we drink them possibly many months from now, and then watched this week's episode of Abbott Elementary which was as delightful as ever.

— पञ्चसहस्राणि पञ्च नवतिशतानि च —


[posted 12:31 pm]