My tweets

  • Thu, 15:44: This is now a nearly daily occurrence and has been for too long. Our nation is becoming desensitized to it. Maybe take a look at this to get a sense of real impact, and see that doing nothing about it is not an option.
  • Thu, 15:49: RT @meganamram: These shootings keep happening, despite our worst efforts.
  • Thu, 11:58: When I was a kid my brother used to get really bad leg cramps from playing football. My mom, clearly assuming I would develop the same interest in sports (HAHAHA!), told me I would get them too. I thought this meant it was just a normal part of growing up. So when on another day I asked my dad how old I would be when I started getting cramps, he looked bewildered and said, “Matthew, boys don’t get cramps!” #throwbackthursday
  • Thu, 15:21: A guy came into the men's room apparently just to fart with such force I was blown into the opposite wall.
  • Fri, 17:03: Not a half bad view from a parking garage.