top gun too


— पांच हजार दो सौ सत्ताईस —

My sleep schedule seems to be getting weirdly fucked up this week. I think the biggest issue is that I keep going to sleep way too late. According to my Sleep Cycle app, I went to sleep last night at 11:21; the night before at 11:50; Sunday night at 10:47. I'm averaging around six hours of sleep, and I thrive best on a solid seven—in which case I should be getting to sleep around 10:00 every night. I need to find a way to get my fucking phone or iPad out of my hands after 10 p.m.

I really zonked out harder than usual on Saturday night, too—I was asleep that night at 11:29, but in contrast to his historical habit of waking me up as soon as he does, Shobhit actually left me asleep, even getting up to feed the cats himself at 7 a.m., which is so rare it practically qualifies as a miriacle. I slept right through it, and didn't wake up until 7:55, having slept for eight and a half hours! I had been sleeping so soundly that when I did wake up that morning, I completely assumed it was an hour earlier, and was shocked to see I had slept until nearly 8:00 in the morning. It was strange.

Shobhit and I went to see Top Gun Maverick last night, my second viewing and his first. Just like the last time I had previously booked a ticket for him to a movie—at his suggestion, mind you—he talked about how he kind of wished he could skip it, but he went because I had already bought the ticket. I guess he was feeling depressed most of the day yesterday, thinking about the state of his job and job prospects, and I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. Still, it was he who suggested a couple of weeks ago that we go see this movie, which he did want to see, on a Tuesday because that is when AMC has discounted tickets; it cost me just under seven bucks for his ticket ($6.83, I think it was). We would have gone last week except we were in Victoria.

So, I actually texted him a few days ago to bring it up again and ask if he wanted me to book us tickets for tonight, even though the showtimes weren't the greatest; he got off work at 5:30 and the next available showtime wasn't until 7:30. The movie is 131 minutes long and that combined with the many trailers meant that we got home probably about a quarter after 10, even catching a bus most of the way, and that's a big reason it was so late before I got to sleep. That's in no way Shobhit's fault, though; that I can blame on the stupid schedulers at AMC Theaters.

I think Shobhit actually had a good time at the movies, even though he was clearly irritated that I picked a face mask for him to wear on the bus that was white with flowers on it. Why this bothered him, I truly have no idea; it was just what I happened to grab when he asked me to grab one for him—he didn't think it was his, but it's been sitting with his stack of masks in the bathroom for months—and when I told him that he actually said, "Should we trade?" Um, no: I'm far more concerned about mask wearing than he ever is (he always wears one on transit but never in movie theaters anymore, even though I wear them in both) and I'm not going to give up my KN95 mask just because he doesn't like the print on his. And also, news flash, if he wants a guarantee that he'll be pleased with the print on his mask, maybe he could try grabbing it himself.

I made a conscious decision just not to engage with his clearly misplaced irriation, and his attitude was better later in the evening. He later declared the movie "pretentious," a word I don't think he really knows the definition of, because that makes no sense at all. Maybe he meant something more along the lines of "corny," which I would have accepted, but still think the movie is great, with deeply impressive aerial action sequences.

Not that I was awake for them all. I started to zonk out, hard, about two thirds of the way through the movie. Shobhit had actually told me he might fall asleep during it before we got there, and I don't think he ever dozed off at all. I strugged to stay awake for about an hour, and once I finally got a second wind, I had basically missed a whole bunch of the climactic stuff. Oh well; at least I had already seen it. And I really think Shobhit enjoyed it, even though he really downplayed how much he liked it: "It was okay." I think if it had been another day and he had been in a better mood he would have been a lot more into it.

— पांच हजार दो सौ सत्ताईस —


— पांच हजार दो सौ सत्ताईस —

I did have about an hour and a half at home before the movie, having gotten home on my bike at 5:00, half an hour before Shobhit even got off work. At his request I just reheated leftovers for dinner, and I had finished eating mine just before he got home. While I killed this time, I started work on the draft to replace the links list for the Spring 2022 Social Review that I accidentally posted with all that three months' work totally wiped out.

Rewriting it all is going faster, better, and easier than I might have expected. I think I'm making it more thorough and with more links (to previous blog posts, Flickr photo albums, specific Flickr photos, and Facebook checkin posts) than I had before. I still had that I'm having to duplicate the entire effort this go-round, but I'm actually kind of enjoying the process. Having the hastag links in the middle of blog posts already fixed is making it a lot easier, both having the links already handy and for searching them to find all the things I had linked to previously.

Still, it's time-consuming. I got up to mid-April, though, which is already nearly a third of the time covered. That said, the links I included for the four days I spent with Barbara in Louisville and surrounding areas in late March alone accounted for probably more than half the time I spent on this last night. The same will surely be the case for my 10-day Birth Week activities, and then the other four days spent with Shobhit in Victoria last week.

— पांच हजार दो सौ सत्ताईस —


[posted 12:35 pm]